armchair cultural observation since 1995

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Why LeBron’s record rings hollow

“Of course LeBron James committed fouls in those 254 minutes. They just weren’t called.”

An ‘Arrested Development’ Breakthrough for Netflix

The latest news about ‘Arrested Development’ might be a breakthrough for Netflix and television.

Public libraries filling bookstore void

Is the demise of the bookstore giving rise to the public library?

Elaborate wedding photography setups

A cog in the “bridal industrial complex” comments on the state of the wedding photography business.

The fall of obscure music download blogs

In what feels like ancient history now, The Awl traces the rise and fall of obscure music download blogs.

Christmas’ convoluted tangle of sacred and profane

Sufjan Stevens’ new holiday collection tackles the tension between the sacred and profane found in how we celebrate Christmas.

Nickelback’s Kroeger A Kingmaker

Nickelback’s frontman is despised by most people with good tastes but he’s oh so much more than an easy-to-hate drunken rock god.

Gleeful Co-Conspirators

We have only ourselves to blame for the truth-challenged presidential campaign that ended Tuesday.