armchair cultural observation since 1995

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The dead girlfriend who didn’t exist

It turns out the “girlfriend” a college football star convinced the gullible sports media had died was just an elaborate ‘Catfish’-style internet hoax.

Stream Foxygen’s Debut Full-Length at Pitchfork

Pitchfork is streaming the debut full-length for the band with the ridiculous name and a video that might already be the most pretentious of 2013.

The Humorist Pays Tribute to Woody Allen

Gallery 1988 pays tribute to Woody Allen in a new art show.

Honest titles for Oscar nominated films

College Humor has a clever collection of posters with honest titles for this year’s crop of best picture nominees.

Foosball’s Murky History

Smithsonian dives into the history of foosball.

Generic Band T-Shirt

“I don’t have their records, I just wear the T-shirt.”

Fun with baseball cards

A new Tumblr is aiming to do for no name baseball cards what the Sleeveface did for bargain bin LPs.

History League A Fake Sports League of Historic Events

A collection of shirt designs imagines a sports league where all the teams are named after historic events, people and movements.