armchair cultural observation since 1995

Elsewhere rss

Where Christians ‘witter’

Thou shalt witter.

Calipari’s tree

“If a tree falls in Coach John Calipari’s yard, is it front page news?”

Cancel it

Just leave it to the Christian culture industry to make a star/martyr out of an inarticulate pageant contestant.

One crafty RSS feed: The Small Object

I devote most of my online time to seeking out inspiration. When I discovered the joys of RSS readers and began amassing a collection of blogs to keep up with, the labels I gave most of them were crafting, sewing and design.

Don’t buy green

Why it’s a good idea to not “buy green.”

CT’s right-wing slant

Should Christianity Today change their name to Republicanity Today?

College football BS

A Congressman from Texas calls the BCS what it is.

Painful plates

A treasure trove of art so bad it can be painful on the eyes awaits at this license plate Web site.