armchair cultural observation since 1995

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Ball crawl parking

Metered parking spaces in San Francisco and other major cities were turned into ball crawls, mini golf courses and other interesting things at the annual Park(ing) Day event Friday.

Crasher Squirrel

A squirrel shows why the sport of photo crashing isn’t quite what it used to be.


Now there’s a Web site for geeks who have immortalized their literary love in ink.

Escaping death, GI Joe style

Why didn’t anyone die in GI Joe?

A 25-year-old MJ obit

Daniel Radosh digs up a joke obit from 1984 that eerily applies to yesterday’s big news.

Consider the asparagus

What does asparagus have to do with athletic competition?

Sufjan love, Sufjan hate

A guy with a cool idea of sharing a new Sufjan song draws the rath of some Sufjan lovers.

Twitter orphans looks into the growing fad of Twitter one-and-dones.