armchair cultural observation since 1995

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This Guy Has My Macbook

Would-be Macbook criminals beware. There’s an app that can capture your every move on that laptop you’re thinking of swiping.

Michael Ian Black’s Taco Bell Campaign

Michael Ian Black wants to be a spokesman for Taco Bell. If they were smart they’d hire him (if in fact they haven’t already).

You don’t say

Ever wonder if your favorite brand has a Twitter feed? Me neither.

Retire these words, please!

Say goodbye to viral, epic, fail and other words that have been overused to the point of becoming generally useless in the past year.

Ouro Bros.

Follow the Ouro Bros. on their never-ending tour.

Rest in vinyl peace

Why preserve your ashes in a boring old urn when you can press them into a record?

Best Obama rumor ever

Obama was in the most annoying video of 1993? No way!

Bicycle Love

Love bicycles? You’ll probably love this shirt.