armchair cultural observation since 1995

One crafty RSS feed: The Small Object


I devote most of my online time to seeking out inspiration. When I discovered the joys of RSS readers and began amassing a collection of blogs to keep up with, the labels I gave most of them were crafting, sewing and design.

It should come as no surprise that a large number of those blogs are written by shop owners and independent artists. The indie craft scene has been on the rise for the past 6 to 8 years and has been well documented in the book and documentary Handmade Nation.

Many of us are struggling through our current economy’s woes and reconsidering how and where we spend our money. Everything from groceries and socks to books and toaster ovens feel like more substantial purchases today. One of the many ways I have refocused my own spending is through supporting the writers and business owners of the blogs I frequent for inspiration. They are very willing to share their successful ventures with hundreds and thousands of readers each day, so I feel it’s acceptable to turn to them when I need to purchase gifts and crafting supplies.

This is in no way to recommend that you begin spending more money. Most often, I’m linking you to their blog site because the posts they write are fantastic for sparking the imagination. I’ll share a short series of my must-read blogs with you over the next few weeks and hope you might share what inspires you in return.


Sarah Neuberger’s site The Small Object makes me wish I was still in the 5th grade and carrying around a backpack full of crayons, paper and random favorite objects. Her creations are part ode, part clothespin and part list making and everything that makes me smile.


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