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Contact, servicing, etc. (the place to send money)
Here is our contact info at the moment: Understand that we cannot review all product we receive. Try as we might, there just isn't enough time in the day. Repeated e-mails or phone calls won't change this. Also, phone callers starting with "What the f---?" will be immediately hung up on.

ATTN: Matthew Ralph
1236 Cherokee Road Carriage House
Louisville, KY 40204
(856) 266-5410

Getting Involved
We are always looking for help, so if you have some free time and want to participate in this growing venture, give us a holler. College students may even be able to work out some kind of deal to get internship credits working for us. Our editor did. Also, if you would like to help advertise the site in your neck of the woods let us know. We can exchange links with sites and also help publicize band tours and other events. Scratch our backs and we can scratch yours.

Tangzine was started roughly nine years ago by a 16-year-old with a Mac and a photo-copier and through various changes grew and published at its peak 5,000 copies in newsprint. While some of those issues still sit in a closet in Woodbury, NJ, the 'zine has retreated to the internet, due to a lack of funds to continue publishing in a print medium.

Keeping the dream alive of one day going back to print, Tangzine has been on the Internet since 2000, changing its home base now from Annville, PA to Broken Arrow, OK to a layover in Woodbury, NJ to Newark, Del., back to Woodbury and now to the Louisville metro area. If nothing else a moving editor should provide a broader scope of what's happening in the country as far as art and culture are concerned.

With that in mind, Tangzine is interested in covering a variety of topics including music, art, film, history, sports, faith, and literature. Emphasizing the not so everyday, we are not interested in being labeled, put into a scene, or restricted to one particular age group.

For those reading this who are confused about the site and what it's all about, you can email the editor - matt@tangzine.com, but don't be alarmed if he writes back the response "do you understand the daily newspaper?" He gets kind of defensive about people not getting a site where there isn't anything to get. He also gets defensive about being confused for a student, writing stories for school assignments, but that's a whole other issue.


2002-2007 White Elephant Productions